2019년 2월 9일 토요일

W.I.P status of Missile-SIM : Addition of Air-propulsion part 2

Previous Work Status

Initial Version of Missile-SIM for Performance evaluation
Aerodynamic Validation of Missile-SIM for Trajectory 
AIM-120C Study using Missile-SIM : Part 1 - Sensitivity
AIM-120C Study using Missile-SIM : Part 2 - Launch Condition
AIM-120C Study using Missile-SIM : Part 2 - Launch Condition - revision
Patch note of Missile-SIM : Guidance Algorithm is added w/ Real-Time plot
W.I.P status of Missile-SIM : Addition of Air-propulsion part 1

 3. CFD DB with Ramjet engine Air-to-Air missile (Generic shape)

 Based on the two-dimensional result of the inlet in the previous article, I have designed the generic Meteor-type missile (AIM-120 sized air-to-air missile w/ Ramjet). Difference between Meteor and the generic one is location of the inlet while internal layout of the inlet is purely based on the imagination. 

 CFD DB work is conducted from M1.1 to M4.0 covering most flight region of the missile, and CFD could roughly capture flow change via speed and AoA variation. Also there is shock structure change near the inlet lip is shown for each Mach number. 

M1.6 AoA0 Pressure Contour

M1.6 AoA0 Velocity Contour

M3.3 AoA0 Pressure Contour

M3.3 AoA0 Temperature Contour

M3.3 AoA0 Velocity Contour

M4.0 AoA0 Pressure Contour

M4.0 AoA0 Velocity Contour

 4. Configuration of Baseline for Ramjet engine Air-to-Air missile (Generic shape)

 Based on the result of previous CFD works (Although it is just rough estimation) and ISP functions, I have developed generic Ramjet engine Air-to-Air missile. I have set the detailed value for ramjet related data using estimation, and more detailed comparison for the conventional AIM-120C will be dealt in the next article. 

Test of Ramjet missile in Missile-SIM

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